RACS provide innovative, cost-effective solutions and technology for any businesses, charities, local
authorities and contractors whether they require a
large or small catering facility.
For free advice or a full quotation, talk to one of our experienced consultants now on 01792 795222.
Creating the right kitchen layout saves you time and money. Whether looking to replace an existing kitchen or install one from scratch, we can translate your vision into inspiring reality. Our professional in-house designers will work closely with you to ensure the appropriate equipment selection and layout is designed. Our 3D imaging will provide you with a virtual insight.
We are happy to work from your Architect's drawings or from our own survey of your site. Either way, the ultimate selection will be in accordance with the kitchen space, staffing levels, your envisaged menu as well as possible future menu changes or increased capacities and budget. An early involvement of RACS is essential to enable both electrical and mechanical services to be installed. Our Services Schedule details every power outlet, gas, water and waste requirements.
Refrigeration Air-conditioning & Catering Services
Benson Way, Swansea Enterprise Park, Swansea, SA6 8RD